frequently asked questions

We’ve compiled a list of the most frequently asked questions by propsective clients. Don’t see your question answered below? Just send us a quick email. 

how long does it take to complete a project?

The time varies based on the scope of the project but typically project turnarounds are less than 72 hours.

i need something done right away, do you have expedited service?

No extra charge, just let us know you need it ASAP when you send us your project details and we'll do our best to make it happen!

i already work with a videographer, but I still need help.

We’ll work alongside your videographer to make sure your project is completed to your satisfaction.

am i locked into a long-term contract?

Not at all! We work on a project basis with every client. We’re here when you need us!

how do you accept payment?

We take payment via credit card or bank/check transfer. It’s super easy!

do you have a guarantee?

We’ll keep at it until you are completely satisfied with our work.

do you require a down payment?

Due to the nature of our business, we do require a partial payment to get started, but we won’t get started on your project until you are ready to go.

do you give discounts to non-profit organizations?

Yes, send us your project details and we’ll be happy to work with you at a discounted rate.

want help with your next video or audio project?