your on demand audio/video team ready to put your marketing outreach in overdrive

your on demand audio/video team ready to put your marketing outreach in overdrive

why is video so important to your business?

search loves video

Google and other search engines prioritize video results, boosting your organic SEO and discoverability

video shines on
every screen

video engages prospects and customers on whichever screen they are using: smartphones, laptops, tablets and smart tvs

videos engage more than photos alone

social media is all about video, with triple the engagement rates compared to just posting a photo

improves click-through rates

adding video to an email can increase CTR by 200 to 300%

more inbound links

blogs and web pages that incorporate video attract 3x more links compared to text-only blog posts

higher conversion rates

adding video to a landing page increases conversion rates by 80%

use video in your marketing to 10x engagement

google ads

over 86% of searches happen on Google, and Google is making video more prominent in ads

emails blasts

ask your subscribers to watch rather than read when targeting your brand messaging and call to action

customer reviews

add video customer reviews to your web site to give customers a persuasive reason to buy from you

ctv/ott streaming ads

connected tv (CTV) and over the top (OTT) video ads have become must-have marketing, capturing attention and filling your sales funnels with targeted leads

social video

posts and ads that use video enhance conversation and increase interaction, further adding to your organization’s relevancy and attention

YouTube pre-roll

YouTube is one of the hottest places to run video spots, appearing only for highly targeted audiences, maximizing your spend

web sites

web sites that use video on key pages have increased engagement and conversion rates

 landing pages

landing pages that use video to target your specific audiences increase conversions and sales

maps + local

adding video maps  online directory listings and local apps such as NextDoor and Patch showcases your business at critical decision points

brand storytelling

video is the preferred medium to tell your organization’s story, its history and plans for the future

point of purchase

video influences purchase at the right place and at the right time

product use

video can explain how a product is used and increase adoption rate and frequency of purchase

audio connects your brand to its audience

terrestrial + streaming
radio spots

broadcast and streaming radio spots receive broad reach in urban and suburban markets

podcast recording
+ syndication

we’ll help launch and record your podcast with up to four audio sources, both in studio and remotely


already have video clips and need a dynamic narration? we contract with over 1,000 voice talent artists to help you find the perfect match

about us

"Video engages customers like no other marketing medium, it's on every screen they're watching: smartphones, laptops, tablets and smart tvs."

Spot Pop Studios is a NYC-based audiovisual production house specializing in the conceptualization, creation and distribution of video, motion graphics and sound to boost engagement and interaction across marketing and advertising channels, using the power of persuasion to connect, convince and convert prospects into buyers. Spot Pop Studios is your one-stop shop to promoting your brand's products and services through compelling storytelling that captures attention and delivers a positive, lasting impression.

want help with your next video or audio project?